Sunday 19 May 2013

New deliveries

Some new squares have arrived - 18 squares from Catherine in Australia and some large squares from my good friend Anne.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Blanket Number 2

I'm on a roll tonight and blanket Number 2 is very nearly finished. Just the ends to sew in and maybe a boarder. Can't wait to hand them over to Corinne from GRWE.

Huge Announcement - Blanket Number 1 is complete

A fabulous lady called Eileen sent me 30 knitted rectangles yesterday. Last night I blanket stitched them together, with the help of Sherlock on the telly. Today I sewed in all the end and done 2 rows if crochet around the edge. Blanket 1 complete and ready for GRWE!

Thursday 9 May 2013

New squares

Look what's arrived all the way from the USA! Some fabulous squares for the project. It's amazing to think how far they have travelled. They are so pretty. Thank you Kelly!!!

Saturday 4 May 2013

These squares have travelled many miles

Look what arrived in the post today! 8 fantastic squares from Bellatrina on Instagram. Beautiful colours and beautiful textures. Thank you so very very much.